Hiep Huynh:
I'm a Test Automation Engineer

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About Me

I initially chose my computer science major just to see and I found I have a great affinity for sofware developement. I enjoyed building robust and reliable applications with engineering teams, some of which I demonstrated below.



  • Java
  • Python
  • SQL
  • HTML & CSS
  • Javascript


  • Spring MVC
  • Springboot
  • Javalin
  • Flask
  • Hibernate

Testing Frameworks

  • Mockito
  • TestNG
  • Behave
  • Selenium


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Bug Blast

A light bug tracking platform that allows users to submit, assign, and track bugs for whatever software they are using.
  • Java + TestNG + Javalin
  • JavaScript + HTML + Bootstrap
  • AWS RDS PostgresSQL
  • Cucumber + Selenium
  • Postman
  • Design RESTful Project Structure
  • Implement Frontend To Add a Bug Report
  • Create Backend CRUD Functions For Bug Entity
  • Tested The Application With TestNG, Cucumber, Selenium And Postman
Quick Demo
  • JavaScript + HTML + Bootstrap
  • Python + Pytest + Flask
  • AWS RDS PostgresSQL + SQLAlchemy
  • Behave + Selenium
  • Postman
  • Implemented Front End Functionalities Such As The Navigation Bar
  • Implemenented Backend CRUD Functions
  • Designed Database Schema
  • Tested The Application With Pytest, Behave, Selenium And Postman
Quick Demo

Employee Reimbursement System

The Employee Reimbursement System, ERS, allows employees to submit reimbursements for business expenses that can be approve or decline by the manager.


A quiz taking app that allows users to take quizes and view quizes they took
  • Java + JSTL + Bootstrap
  • SpringMVC + JDBC
  • SpringBoot + Hibernate
  • mySQL
  • Use JSTL To Implement Frontend
  • Implemenented Backend CRUD Functions
  • Designed Database Schema
Quick Demo

Contact Me

Feel Free To Contact Me For Business Inquisitions